Saturday, July 12, 2008

Team Milan is Getting Smaller!!!!!

Not in the number of participants...we're adding members...getting close to fifty people. The getting smaller refers to the weight loss of course. The group weighing in at my house this morning did a great job. Many people with BIG numbers (including yours truly). It looks like we will be really close to having lost 600 pounds as a group. Pretty remarkable huh???

I FINALLY had a great week. I lost 6.8 pounds for a total of 80.3 pounds since January. It feels so great to see results when I am working so hard. My goal for two weeks (this past week and this coming week) was to lose 6.5 pounds because I am going away with some girls from High School and wanted to be able to say I have lost 80 pounds. Met my first goal in one week. Cool! My next goal was to lose another 10 pounds by the wedding and I am confident I will be able to accomplish that. (maybe more???) Gotta remember this so when I have a slow week I will not be so frustrated and get so down on myself.

I took measurements two months ago and decided to take them again. In a little over two months I have lost 18 1/2 inches from my body. This really helped me this week when I was struggling. Just knowing that something was changing made it a little easier to deal with the slow weight loss.

Going to the Tiger game tomorrow with some friends. Supposed to be a nice day and will be a nice way to celebrate a weight loss success (without food of course)!

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