Saturday, April 26, 2008

A New Experience!

My friend Julie and I are checking out some local gyms. Thank goodness she's "game" for anything!!! We have a week's pass to SnapFitness and will get a week's pass to Powerhouse Gym next. I've decided that I need to start pushing myself just a bit and using weight machines and other cardio machines that I've NEVER used before just might do the trick! A guy showed us all of the machines and we tried each one out. It was fun. Really!!! I am sure that tomorrow morning when I cannot get out of bed that it will not seem like so much fun but it's time to kick it up just a bit and I'm excited. Anyone using machines or going to a gym? Give me your ideas!



brYan said...

well ... are you sore? i scrubbed the grime and dirt off of the siding on our house yesterday ... and today i can't raise my arms high enough to put the camera to my eye ... ouch! before you asked if i worked out? well, does this count?

Nancy said...

Sorry Bryan but I did laugh just a bit trying to imagine you not being able to lift up the camera! I do believe that it should count for something. Good work. Give me a month or two lifting weights and maybe I can help next time. Maybe YOU should come and use the machines too??? I can show you how!!!